スマートフォンを「おやすみモード」にする。 日本語では「おやすみモード」だが、英語では「Do Not Disturb」、要するに「邪魔しないで」だ。
「おやすみモード」とは上手な訳し方だなと思いつつ、個人的には「Do Not Disturb」の方が圧倒的に好きだ。
相手へを気遣う気持ちを持ちながら、心を鬼にして Do Not Disturb を試してみたが、これが最高に良い。一つ一つのタスクに集中して取り組むことができるので、確実にタスクをこなす(やっつける)ことができるし、質もスピードも上がる。結果、相手に喜んでもらえるし、自分の気持ちもポジティブに保つことができるなど、良い効能ばかりだ。本当に緊急性のあることは、電話してくるだろう。
Do Not Disturb の時は着信も表示されないのだけれど、着歴は残るので、こちらからかけなおせばOKだろう。
Do Not Disturb. 自分によりフォーカスして、投資して、思う未来を作る。
Deep breath, exercise, coffee, jogging, reading books, and so on… We have several hobbies and favorite things to do. Whether consciously or not, we always do something and that will be our custom. It means we do that every day and that is our life.
Recently, I realize routing work is important to keep my rhythm better. For example, I get up and drink a cup of water, quick exercise like stretching, eating breakfast, and washing dishes. The most important thing is washing dishes for me. It’s a mediation!
It also makes good rhythm! So I am excited a little bit and get ready to work!
From English101.com. I wanna join the live lesson on Youtube, so I will check the schedule!
What do you do for fun? -> I like to take photos. OR I like taking photos.
What did you get up to last weekend? -> Last weekend, I met up with friends. (“met up” is more casual!) -> I cleaned my house. -> I studied to the test.
How have you been? -> I’ve been hanging in there/ busy/ good/ better…
What have you been up to? -> I’ve been working / studying / traveling …
How was your trip/event/party? -> It was great / good / OK / not bat / not so good.
Do you use Facebook/LINE/What’s up/HelloTalk?
(By the way,) are you doing anything on Friday? Do you want to come?
Hey, do you wanna get a drink tonight?
Are you free for lunch sometime this week or next?
I’m gonna grab dinner in your neighborhood tonight, do you wanna join me? (“graph dinner” is quick casual)
(Sorry for the short notice, but) I’m going to a talk event tomorrow. Do you want to come?